
There was so much I wanted to say to you,


and that makes it all the more sad.


yuzuri no ame

twenty-two. wayward ishgardian. healer, alchemist


until this tenderness is scarred with wounds

In the language of Hingashi and Doma, her name means “rain” (雨); though written differently it could also mean “candy” (飴) or “sky” (天), which also means “heaven”. She has a pensive, flowery fragrance and wears traditional clothing, though she barely remembers Othard. Her home has always been Ishgard, though is it home if she finds it hard to go back? Her father had been an Ishgardian disposable who perished in the war with the Horde. Her mother was a beautiful but short memory. She is all alone but she is not the only one. Eorzea is made up or orphans, or else they are orphans to be. They are as lonely as the stars, each and every one of them. She knows, because when she looks up, there is no peace to be found even in the stars.


Do I swallow the agony of your cruelty?

She is just an average Raen Au Ra. Beautiful in an unassuming way, with the dark of her hair and the blue of her eyes, her cherry mouth and her milky skin. See her long enough and you’ll know she is otherworldly. Head always up in the clouds. Eyes never present. Her words are limited, chosen carefully as if from a drawer. Her voice is a wisp of smoke, faint enough to disappear into the air as soon as it is given a chance to be heard. She has a thin presence, as if she was immaterial and made of nothing but light and flower petals. It is easy to think that her heart is made of paper.Would it be easy to tear it apart? If she were nothing but ribbons, could you unravel her with your hands?


While those fleeting moments of love

Her childhood was spent in Ishgard. Her father, a Hingan, was one of the lowest guardsmen of a minor noble house. How this arrangement came to be, she never asked. She had been little when they moved. Othard and her Doman mother’s face only existed in her dreams. She was a little servant, the littlest, until someone was kind enough to teach her the art of healing. Still she lost her father to the Horde. Her last memory of him was his silence, and it lives on as a wound. They could not find his body. Later, she accumulated unbearable losses the same way everyone did. It’s hard to think of Ishgard, harder even to return. But if Ishgard is not home, then where is home?Are you from Ishgard? Did you lose someone in the Dragonsong War? Are you religious? Sometimes she catches herself addressing Halone in her thoughts, even when she is not sure Halone, or any gods for that matter, would be able to hear her.


Deepened with each affliction

She is often lost, not only on the streets but in her thoughts, the crowd, the past, her memories. The present and the future seem to disappear. She will walk with a mind half empty. Her eyes will turn listless, and the world will become nothing but one endless dream. She is still trying to understand, has been trying ever since the moment her world fell apart; when her home becomes nothing but a wound torn open — refusing to heal.


I would drink a cup of grief for your trust

She is a refuge in the circle of light. The tip of a match, needing to burn itself away. She has a name in a place between her ribs where all sweet things hide away.Lio Linnaea.A name could become a secret. It could also become a prayer. A name unspoken and kept so close to her heart could only be a stubborn, but gentle hope which can neither be given nor taken away. Eternally bonded; in this life and the next.



Companions — The world is too loud — too overwhelming — for her to face it alone. She needs other people — people who are confident with their place in the world, who never doubt where they belong. There are moments where she becomes vulnerable; fragile to even touch. When that happens, she may need a helping hand. Though she has her own legs to run, but sometimes it requires more than just legs for someone to save themselves.Losses — The losses she has gone through on this star sometimes make her unable to breathe. Living and losing is not an original business; so why, then, is it so hard for her to let go? From a childhood friend to the loss of love so full of longing; she is incapable to forget them. All her life she spends on searching — for a person, for an answer, an explanation. Perhaps you could be the one to teach her how to go on; to forget, to let go, to swallow her grief whole.

out of character

she / they. 25+. seasia timezone

I’m a low-fantasy and low-powered FFXIV roleplayer. I love exploring FFXIV lore and writing within its constraints, and only deviate in my Far Eastern headcanons solely because there is not much lore to them and I’m Asian that consume a lot of guzhuang dramas. In case of lore mismatch, I will follow my roleplay partner as best as I can.Ame is a very soft and quiet character. She is not very good for social or casual meet-up roleplay, and needs a little bit of planning and scene setting beforehand, so OOC communication is required. Send me a Tell beforehand! I prefer writing in paragraph / multiple paragraphs.The themes I’m most interested to explore on Ame is loneliness and grief, which means there will be a lot of angst. As such, I am seeking interpersonal relationships with meaningful connections and stories. I also love rp that incorporates gameplay to rp adventures. I am not interested in erp and disturbing materials.